In the decades of the 80s and 90s, Peru went through one of its worst moments, moments that went down in history as a hell for all Peruvian inhabitants. Shining Path and the MRTA, hand in hand with Abimael Guzmán, led to one of the most remembered massacres in Peruvian history, according to the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR), the number of victims was 69,280. Despite all those deaths, unfortunately terrorism in Peru continues to cause terror in some parts of Peru. It is not surprising to see in the news, clashes between the armed forces and terrorist groups.
As we know, on Saturday, September 12, 1992, Operation Victoria was launched, which culminated in the successful capture of Abimael Guzmán. Sendero's failure in the countryside led him to commit his last mistake: speeding up the pace of the revolution and concentrating on the cities. The slogan arose to do in nine years in Peru, what Mao did in twenty-seven in China. That he has determined that the central campaign should target the big cities, that is, the strengthened rear guards of the State.
The capture of Abimael Guzmán in 1992 clearly marked a change in the anti-subversive war; the initiative passed from the hands of SL to the hands of the Government. This event was definitely the most important blow that the Peruvian state inflicted on SL. On the other hand, we have the MRTA, which for its part was also defeated on April 22, 1997, passing through the same justice system.
What we can learn from the falls of these terrorist groups is that on the one hand, we have the psychological attitude change that has meant in the government forces and in the population, which went from defeatism or pessimism to a more optimistic vision of the reality.
The other important reason was due to the internal organization of both groups. Groups organized on the basis of great centralization and concentration of power; a party that revolved on the basis of the leader's cult of personality. The capture of the leader and an important part of the leadership had to affect him more seriously.
Parties with an organization similar to that of the Senderista that have concentrated power at the top, when they lose their leader they end up defeated. On the other hand, parties that have managed to adequately distribute power survive despite the loss of their leaders.
For all the aforementioned, it is logical to ask, How does the Peruvian government act in the face of these events? On the one hand, they are not allowed to participate in politics or in activities of utmost importance such as education and justice, however these groups always find a way to enter both education and the Peruvian government, this is clearly reflected in the philosophy of certain political parties or candidates throughout the On the other hand, a program for reparation of victims in education has been created, however, this work does not seem to be enough if we compare the damage that the victims of these attacks have received.
However, it is important to ask yourself, can we do anything else for the victims? In the work Prophets of Hate, it is concluded thanks to Gonzalo Portocarrero, that the leadership of the Shining Path based its ideology on the articulation of the discontent of the population as a result of social gaps and injustices. Therefore, we must find a way to reduce or end the discontent of the population, so we can let people know that we are progressing.
Plus to that, we have the Maoísm ideology, one of the most recurrent in the speech of Abimael, "Maoism was the most important thing for Abimael Guzmán and if you read his writings, he is always talking about Mao," Orin Starn, a professor at Duke University, United States, and co-author of the book "Shining Path: love, madness and revolution in the Andes".
Finally, what can we learn from these events? Future generations must keep in mind that you cannot change the injustices that the vast majority suffer with the force of weapons but also and it is very important to understand that you cannot support thoughts similar to those of the aggressors, it is very important to think before making any decision, remembering that if we learn about our past, we will not make
We must remember that Law as a social science must provide certainty and security to the citizens of a State. In this way, with the correct performance of the agents who administer justice, the feeling of gaps and injustices of the population should decrease or disappear.
For that part, the professionals in charge of administering justice in the country must put a firm hand, both the judges, lawyers, faculties of law and other actors who play this type of role in our nation, so that we can have justice with quality, efficiency and ethics, and thus be able to provide the Peruvian people with what they deserve, a quiet and safe social coexistence.
1.Bel P. P. Abimael Guzmán: qué es el maoísmo, la ideología en la que se inspiró el líder de Sendero Luminoso y por la que desencadenó en Perú una guerra sangrienta. Retrieved from:
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