Greetings to all the people that see this blog!, we are Group 10 of the National Reality and Globalization course, and in the next lines you can read and analize more imformation about what our work is going to be about.
This blog examines the situation of internal violence in Peru and the terrorism perpetrated by the armed group "Sendero Luminoso" from the perspective of mismanagement. These are issues that, within the framework of the international system, are related to terrorism, drug trafficking and environmental pollution. This gives more power to international organizations that are attentive to government actions that violate human rights.
Terrorism, which is an act of violence characterized throughout history (conquests, wars) in various forms of expression and brutality. Thus, terrorism is established in parts of the country and the world as an open method for all acts of violence, shameful and terrible, and are used without doubt or consideration of morality. Thus, it is not a unique, recent or random practice, but random for that reason.
The objectives pursued by these types of non-traditional "wars" may involve political, religious, cultural or power forces in totally illegal ways. For these reasons, the world is shaken every day by the news of attacks on public roads that end the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do with this "war" or with different interests. This phenomenon is one of the most difficult forms of violence, since it goes beyond violent spaces.
This event is characterized by; its indiscriminate violence involves victims who have nothing to do with the conflict that led to the terrorist attack; his infidelity, acts suddenly, causing instability, shock and pain; their bad behavior generates unnecessary suffering, hitting the most protected areas; Being indirect, it is a targeted tool used to gain attention and put pressure on the target or target audience through media behavior. It is necessary to respond to the actions of terrorists with laws that provide them with protection and punishment.
On this blog we are going to talk about the internal conflict that happened in Perú around 1980- 1999 and the principal extremists groups Sendero Luminoso and MRTA (Movimiento Revolucionaro Tupac Amaru). Not only will we talk about some of the facts and stuff that happened during that time, but also give our own point of view on the situations and the different ideologies
We want to provide thrustworty information about this difficult era in peruvian history so more people can learn about and fully understand what happened.
We invision that in the future this blog could be useful for people triying to learn about terrorism in Peru from the perspective of people who learned about instead of having experienced it.
Show what were the mistakes and causes of that conflict that stroke our country and how instead of being the revolutonary event that Sendero Luminoso and MRTA imagined, it enden up in a terrible war where many people lost their homes, families and even lifes.
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